JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE 2024-11-09T17:22:39+00:00 Alisher Oripovich Okhunov Open Journal Systems <p>"Journal of Education and Scientific Medicine" Scientific peer-reviwed journal of Tashkent Medical Academy</p> GENERALIZATION OF INFECTION IN LONG-TERM NON-HEALING WOUNDS 2024-11-09T17:22:39+00:00 B.Y. Umarov <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Surgical sepsis must still be solved in the modern tanotogenetic statistical data structure. Sepsis against the background of the wound process, also known as wound sepsis, is considered the most common etiological cause of the development of this complication. Meanwhile, in the case of the development of wound infection, according to the literature, most authors pay attention to acute wounds, which, as is known, have a different pathogenetic mechanism of the course of the disease. However, in the context of the development and course of long-term non-healing wounds, there are few possible options for the generalization of infection in the literature. In this regard, our study aimed to identify the frequency of the development of clinical and laboratory signs of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome in patients with long-term non-healing wounds.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE