Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi axborotnomasi 2020-07-09T10:30:13+00:00 Oktyabr R. Teshaev Open Journal Systems <p>Scientific journal of Tashkent Medical Academy</p> HYGIENIC SIGNIFICANCE OF RISK FACTORS IN DETERMINING THE STRUCTURE OF THE INCIDENCE OF FOOTWEAR WORKERS 2020-07-09T09:20:55+00:00 F.L. Azizova U.A. Boltaboev <p>to study the structure of the incidence of workers shoe production, as well as risk factors affecting the<br>distribution of diseases in the structure. Material and methods: determined the structure and incidence for 2015-2017.<br>on the basis of appealability to treatment-and-prophylactic institutions of Fergana footwear production workers. The<br>analysis of the health status of workers in selected groups (experimental, control) was carried out, where the primary<br>document was leaflets of temporary disability. Results: the studies conducted in 2015–2017 at the Fergana shoe factory<br>showed a causal relationship between the effects of sustained indicators of severity and tension, factors of the working<br>environment, features of professional affiliation and morbidity among workers depending on gender, age, length of<br>service. The majority of the diseased are women (60%) working in the production workshops, which are the main labor<br>force in the factory. Conclusions: the incidence with temporary disability over the three years both among working<br>women and men increased significantly (P &lt;0.05). In the structure of incidence, the first leading places are occupied by:<br>SARS and influenza (24.0%), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (22.7%), diseases of the connective tissue (19.5%).</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 HYGIENIC ASSESSMENT OF THE LABOR PROCESS OF WORKERS IN THE SHOE INDUSTRY 2020-07-09T09:24:07+00:00 F.L Azizova U.A. Boltaboev <p>hygienic assessment of the working conditions of employees of shoe production on the basis of determining<br>the main indicators of the severity of labor and the intensity of the process. Material and methods: studies were conducted<br>among 41 employees of 4 main workshops of the Fergana shoe production in the dynamics of the working day: before work<br>began (800 hours); after the lunch break (1100 hours), before the end of the work (1500 hours). Time observations were<br>conducted in the main professional groups. Results: according to the obtained results, it was found that workers of the shoe<br>production assigned an average of 65.3 to 80.0% of the working time for the main work, while for auxiliary operations from<br>7.3% to 23.0%, besides, 6.2% and 1.2% of the time is spent on identifying the causes of technological failures and other<br>distracting operations. Conclusions: the irrational mode of labor and the distribution of the main technological operations<br>of production workers, leads to early body fatigue, stagnation in production, reduced productivity of labor.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 HEALTH CONDITION OF OLDER PEOPLE AND MEDICAL FOLLOW-UP IN THE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE 2020-07-09T09:28:06+00:00 D.J. Aniozova K.S. Ismailova <p>to study the morbidity of older people and the provision of primary health care to them in selected<br>regions of Uzbekistan. Material and methods: selectively in 6 districts of 6 regions of Uzbekistan and in Tashkent city,<br>a survey (survey) of 365 people 60 years and older living in households was conducted. For the survey used a specially<br>designed questionnaire; data copying was carried out in the developed clinical map. Results: every second respondent<br>noted the presence of chronic diseases (2 on average), while the lonely and single living spouses had an average of 3<br>diseases. The deficiencies of the patronage service are revealed, which may be due to the lack of standards for individual<br>nosologies. The inconsistency in the provision of medical and social assistance was also identified. Conclusions: the<br>lack of national standards for the management of elderly patients, taking into account the presence of several chronic<br>diseases and the provision of medical and social care at the primary level, insufficient time for taking a doctor, the lack<br>of integration of medical and social care reduces the quality of medical care provided to the elderly population</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 2020-07-09T09:32:03+00:00 R.T. Kamilova A.R. Nosirova <p>Sanitary-hygienic assessment of the conditions of education in educational institutions, the<br>determination of their compliance with established sanitary and hygienic standards. Materials and methods: The<br>studies were conducted in general education schools located in Mirzo Ulugbek, Yunusabad, Shayhantakhur districts<br>of Tashkent city. Results: In primary schools of the Mirzo-Ulugbek district, the actual number of students exceeded<br>the estimated number by the project by 9.8%, and in schools of Shaykhantakhur and Yunusabad districts - by 10%,<br>water supply system malfunction (internal, external), defective sanitary equipment, non-fulfillment rules of student<br>seating, insufficient natural lighting of the premises is confirmed by KEO values, which were in the range of 0.7 to 1%<br>at a hygienic rate of 1.5%. Conclusions: In all surveyed of primary schools, the actual number of students exceeded<br>the estimated number by an average of 10%; insufficient equipment was observed for sports equipment, water supply<br>disruptions, the provision of non-rational student furniture, and violation of indoor light conditions</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 HYGIENIC ASSESSMENT OF THE CONDITIONS OF EDUCATION IN THE PREPARATORY GROUPS OF PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS 2020-07-09T09:35:39+00:00 N.F. Khusanova G.I. Shaykhova <p>an objective hygienic assessment of the conditions of training and education in children’s educational<br>institutions using new approaches. Material and methods: the main factors determining the hygienic state of preschool<br>educational institutions were the land plot, the building, the sanitary equipment and its condition, the educational process.<br>Each of these factors contains from 5 to 12 significant indicators. The following criteria were used to quantify each<br>indicator: good - meets the hygienic rate of 100%; satisfactory - compliance at 70-89.9%; unsatisfactory - compliance by<br>50-69.9%. Results: thanks to the use of an improved method of assessing the state of children’s educational institutions,<br>an objective quantitative and qualitative characteristic of each factor will be obtained, which will enable us to make an<br>operational decision to manage risk factors aimed at promoting the health of young children.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 THE ROLE OF GENE POLYMORPHISM OF NEUROHUMORAL FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRONIC HEART FAILURE 2020-07-08T09:20:25+00:00 A.G. Gadayev A.K. Kurbonov R.I. Turakulov <p>The latest data on the representatives identification of complex genes with various phenotypes of chronic heart<br>failure are given. Both the role of gene polymorphism in the disease pathogenesis of the choice of recommended drugs, the<br>provision of high-quality prophylaxis and also in the prevention of adverse outcomes of the disease has been substantiated</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 THE CURRENT STATE OF THE PROBLEM OF LIPID PEROXIDATION 2020-07-08T09:23:48+00:00 B.U. Iriskulov P.M. Abilov S.A. Norboeva Kh.A. Musaev A.M. Urinov <p>This article assesses the state of the problem of lipid peroxidation. Free radical processes are highly reactive and<br>are essential components of the normal functioning of cells. Are known radicals of hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl,<br>superoxide radicals and singlet oxygen. To the formation of a radical anion of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide leads to<br>a “respiratory explosion” (an increase in the consumption of oxygen by neutrophils, macrophages, etc.). In peroxisome<br>oxidases, oxygen is restored to hydrogen peroxide (urotoxicity, glycolate oxidase, L-amino acid oxidase). These radicals<br>and active oxygen species (ROS) have a bactericidal effect.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 THE VALUE OF BIOLOGICAL MARKERS IN THE DIAGNOSIS, PREDICTION AND EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEART FAILURE 2020-07-08T10:02:37+00:00 A.K. Kurbonov 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 BRONCHIAL ASTHMA IN CHILDREN: A MODERN VIEW OF THE PROBLEM 2020-07-08T10:10:56+00:00 M.H. Mirrahimova B.T. Khalmatova G.A. Tashmatova <p>Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases. Statistical indicators of the prevalence of asthma<br>are based mainly on data obtained from the treatment of patients in medical institutions. However, information on the<br>prevalence of bronchial asthma does not correspond to reality, as many patients for various reasons do not address to<br>medical institutions. The parents of the children have a negative attitude towards diagnosing a chronic disease, and<br>doctors often do not diagnose bronchial asthma, especially in the early stages of development and in cases of mild diseases.<br>Thus, according to the Healthcare data of the Tashkent region, a number of patients, especially those with mild bronchial<br>asthma, did not establish the correct diagnosis at all in the childhood period, and in a significant proportion of patients<br>with moderate and severe asthma, the correct diagnosis was made with a delay of 2-6 years from the onset of the disease.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 2020-07-08T10:29:46+00:00 B.D. Babadjanov K.J. Matmurotov J.H. Otajonov <p>To study the effectiveness of minimally invasive endovascular methods in the treatment of diabetic gangrene of<br>the lower extremities, depending on the risk of loss of the limb. Material and methods: the results of inpatient treatment of<br>323 patients (225 (69.6%) men and 98 (30.4%) women) with surgical complications of diabetic foot syndrome who were in<br>2012-2018 were analyzed. at the Republican Center for purulent surgery and surgical complications of diabetes mellitus at the<br>2nd TMA clinic. All patients suffered from type 2 diabetes. 203 patients were given insulin to correct their blood sugar levels.<br>The neuroischemic form of diabetic foot syndrome was diagnosed in 271 (83.9%) patients, ischemic - in 52 (16.1%) patients.<br>Results: large ulcerative defects (W3) were observed in 123 (38.1%) patients, an average degree (W2) of the wound process<br>occurred in 136 (42.1%), a superficial wound defect (W1) in 43 (13.3%). Severe ischemia (I3) of the limb was diagnosed in 76<br>(23.5%) patients, moderate ischemia (I2) in 135 (41.8%), and light ischemia in 112 (34.6%). Conclusions: long-term intraarterial<br>catheter therapy in patients with diabetic gangrene of the lower limb with a high risk of it after complete balloon<br>angioplasty increases the chance of maintaining the limb support function up to 88.7%. The use of a complex of minimally<br>invasive X-ray endovascular methods for treating lower extremity diabetic gangrene, even in patients with a high risk of limb<br>loss (77-94% wifi), can reduce the frequency of hip amputation from 12.6 to 8.0% and reduce mortality from 5.7 to 3, 2%.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 2020-07-08T10:48:57+00:00 Z.A. Giyasov M.M. Nazarova I.I. Bakhriev S.A. Khakimov Z.B. Vafoyev <p>A comprehensive analysis of medical care defects (MCD) on the materials of the CFME. Material and<br>methods: The object of the study was the materials of the CFME conducted in the Tashkent Regional Bureau of Forensic<br>Medical Examination in 2016-2017. In total, during this period, 51 (38) examinations were conducted about the inadequate<br>provision of medical care to children and adolescents, which accounted for 31.3% of the total number of CFME. The analysis<br>of the obtained results was carried out using comparative, logical and statistical research methods. Results: In total, 52<br>MCD were verified, since in 11 cases two or more defects were identified. When analyzing the age structure of the patients,<br>it was found that the majority were children under the age of 1 year (55.3%) and 1-3 years (21.1%). 39 (76.5%) defects had<br>a significant impact on the outcome. Moreover, 34 of them, aggravating the condition of children, contributed to the onset<br>of death. More than half of MCD admitted to inpatient medical institutions. About 80% of MCD occur for subjective reasons<br>- due to lack of qualifications or inattention to the patient and have a significant impact on the outcome.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH LIVER CIRRHOSIS AFTER PORTOSYSTEMIC SHUNTING DEPENDING ON COMPLIANCE OF POSTOPERATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS 2020-07-08T11:06:42+00:00 A.V. Devyatov A.Kh. Babadjanov S.A. Ruziboev <p>assessment of the quality of life of patients with cirrhosis after portosystemic shunting (PSS) depending<br>on compliance with postoperative recommendations. Material and Methods: the quality of life analysis was carried out<br>in 490 patients with cirrhosis of the liver after PSS. Long-term results were followed up in 385 patients. The average<br>age of patients at the time of surgery was 29.7 ± 0.7 years. To assess the quality of life, a special questionnaire developed<br>by Z.M. Younossi et al. (1999), visual analogue scales. Results: after PSS, the survival rate of patients and their quality<br>of life directly depended on the severity of the pathological process in the liver. Refusal or irregular examination and<br>specific conservative therapy led to a significant decrease in the quality of life index after PSS: physical decline to<br>3.4 ± 0.2 points versus 4.5 ± 0.7 points, on a physical condition scale to 49.2 ± 5 , 1%, according to - 65.1 ± 5.1%.<br>Conclusions: In patients with portal hypertension in the absence of a risk of developing hemorrhagic syndrome after<br>PSS, regular follow-up examinations and conducting courses of conservative therapy for the prevention or treatment<br>of other complications of liver cirrhosis CP are of fundamental importance.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 STUDYING THE STRATEGIES OF BEHAVIOR IN PATIENTS WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS WITH MULTIPLE DOSING STABILITY AND LOW AGREEMENT TO TREATMENT 2020-07-08T11:13:09+00:00 M.Kh. Djurabaeva E.V. Anvarova Sh.A. Rakhmanov <p>To study the emotional, motivational, and cognitive components of the relationship to the disease in<br>patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with multidrug resistance (MDR / TB of the lungs). Material and Methods: 32<br>patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis who received a standard chemotherapy regimen with backup<br>anti-TB drugs were supervised. The object of empirical research is 72 people (42 women and 30 men), who were divided<br>into 3 groups: Group 1 (control) - 40 people without somatic diseases, Group 2 - 18 newly diagnosed patients with<br>MDR / TB lungs, 3rd group - 14 re-treated patients with MDR / TB of the lungs. Results: as the observations showed,<br>patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis tend to exhibit non-positive emotional reactions, resorting to<br>aggressive communication strategies, while after a step-by-step retesting program, an increase in compliance and<br>long-term treatment was observed. Conclusions: according to the results of the study, a step-by-step program of work<br>with patients with MDR / TB of the lungs who have difficulties in social adaptation has been developed.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 THE USE OF LOCAL LEGUMES IN THE DIET THERAPY OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS 2020-07-08T11:16:34+00:00 S.Y. Zokirkhodjayev N.N. Jalolov M.M. Ibragimova I.A. Makhmudova <p>the possibility of using in soups of chronic hepatitis soups from local bean products prepared using the<br>new technology, and evaluating their effectiveness. Material and methods: studies were conducted on 47 patients<br>with chronic hepatitis who were treated in the 2nd therapeutic department of the 1st TMA clinic. They were divided<br>into 2 groups: the 1st one - the usual diet therapy, the 2nd one - with the Parhez Mohor diet therapy prepared from local<br>beans. Results: In the period of exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, the clinical picture, laboratory and instrumental<br>parameters change according to the severity of the disease. The use of the “Parhez Mohora” dish, prepared on the<br>basis of the new technology, as a dietary therapy, had a positive effect on the dynamics of the disease, manifested by a<br>significant improvement in the enzyme spectrum of the blood serum and normalization of hematological parameters.<br>This is due to specific vegetable proteins, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates in the form of<br>starch, mono- and disaccharides, as well as a high content of vitamins of group B, E, C, PP.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 2020-07-08T11:24:17+00:00 S.I. Indiaminov T.M. Mardonov M.R Rasulov <p>The study of the nature and characteristics of the course of mechanical damage of the complex larynx for the tasks of<br>forensic medical examination. Materials and methods: On the material of expertise special methods were investigated 12 cases on<br>injured complex of larynx, occurring on variety types of enforced death. Results: in general, the mechanisms of formation of injuries<br>of the hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage from compression of the neck by a loop and due to mechanical injury are<br>similar, since the localization and nature of fractures depends on which direction the compression occurs. Conclusion: There was<br>established that the whole mechanisms injury formation of subglossal bone, thyroid cartilage and annular cartilage from prelum<br>cervix loop and mechanical traumas analogous between each other, in that being localization and character fractures depending<br>on that directions where occurs pressure. It is marked, during analyzing injured complex of larynx allows not only fractographical<br>properties, localization and capacity of determined fractures, but also type, directions and mechanism actions of traumatic agency,<br>as well as presence of anatomical particularity changes occurring owing to early carried trauma.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 IMPROPER MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN ACTIVITIES OBSTETRICIANS-GYNECOLOGISTS 2020-07-08T11:28:29+00:00 Sh.E. Islamov N.N. Makhmatmuradova <p>to determine the nature of defects in medical care in the activities of obstetrician-gynecologists.<br>Materials and methods: According to a special computer program using the card-questionnaires developed by<br>us, 2,890 findings of the instrumental medical examination commissioned by obstetrician-gynecologists regarding<br>professional offenses conducted in all forensic institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 1999 to 2010 were<br>studied. Results: In the activities of obstetrician-gynecologists, DMA were more frequently observed in Navoi (39.3%),<br>Tashkent (31.4%), Andijan (31.2%), Syrdarya (30.6%) and Bukhara (30%) regions. Among the defects of diagnosis<br>prevail non-recognition of the underlying disease and its complications. Defects of treatment were identified in the<br>form of errors in the appointment and conduct of medical procedures (including irrational management of labor),<br>defects in surgical treatment, defects in medical treatment. Conclusions: In the activities of obstetrician-gynecologists<br>by the nature of the DMA, there is a predominance of defects in treatment and diagnosis</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 2020-07-09T05:48:29+00:00 M.YU Karimov Kholmurodov U.T Kholmurodov K.P. Tolochko 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 APPLICATION OF APR-01 M “MEDNORD PIEZOELECTRIC THROMBOPLASTOGRAPH IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH HYPERTENSIVE DISORDERS 2020-07-09T05:56:11+00:00 Sh.S. Muhamedova G.M. Tuxtabaeva R.B. Yusupbaev <p>Determination with the method Thromboelastography of the global coagulation of pregnant women blood<br>of with hypertensive disorders. Material and methods: We studied 40 pregnant women with hypertensive syndrome and<br>aggravated obstetric history of hospitalization patients. The studies were conducted in the clinic of Republican Center<br>of obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The state of the blood coagulation<br>system was studied using an APR-01 M “MEDNORD” piezoelectric thromboelastograph (Russia). Results: Variations in<br>the hemostatic potential depending on the trimester of pregnancy were revealed: in the first trimester, chronometric<br>hypercoagulation is observed, in the second, chronometric hypocoagulation is observed, in the third - a hypercoagulative<br>shift at the proteolytic stage, with chronometric hypocoagulation at the stages of polymerization and clot stabilization.<br>Conclusions: With ARP-01M Mednord piezoelectric thromblastograph (PTEG), it is possible to determine 18 parameters<br>of the hemostasis system at any time of the day without additional use of reagents.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 ALGORITHM OF ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY OF CORAL SHAPED STONES AND MULTIPLE NEPHROLITHIASIS 2020-07-09T06:01:05+00:00 Sh.T. Mukhtarov F.A. Akilov <p>To optimize a tactics of endoscopic surgery for staghorn nephrolithiasis and increase a treatment<br>efficacy of nephrolithiasis. Materials and methods: 158 patients with coral shaped stones nephrolithiasis have been<br>investigated and treated. Results: Using an algorithm of endoscopic surgery for coral shaped stones nephrolithiasis<br>have leaded to increase a stone clearance rate up to 90,0%. Conclusion: It is concluded that including an algorithm of<br>endoscopic surgery for coral shaped stones nephrolithiasis in the investigation and treatment have leaded to increase<br>and efficacy of treatment of nephrolithiasis.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES OF LAPAROSCOPIC REMOVAL OF OVARIAN CYSTS IN PATIENTS WITH INFERTILITY USING VARIOUS METHODS OF SURGICAL HEMOSTASIS 2020-07-09T06:04:34+00:00 D.K Najmutdinova A.B Saparov S.I. Klychev <p>to study the short-term outcomes of laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts using different methods of<br>hemostasis (closure, monopolar, bipolar and ultrasound coagulation) in infertility patients. Material and methods:<br>The prospective part of the study included 8 patients with ovarian cysts and infertility, who were operated on<br>laparoscopically in the period from May to September 2018 under conditions of the Department of Gynecology No. 1<br>of the State Administration of the RSNPMTSAG. Retrospectively, the same criteria were analyzed in 32 patients with<br>infertility, who in the period from 2017 to 2018. laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts was performed. Results: The use of<br>a combination of mechanical and systemic chemical hemostasis during laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts in women<br>with infertility does not lead to an increase in the duration of surgical treatment and the volume of intraoperative blood<br>loss. The combination of laparoscopic suturing of the bleeding areas of the bed of the removed cyst with intravenous<br>administration of tranexamic acid does not worsen the course of the postoperative period and does not increase the<br>duration of hospitalization. The use of a combination of mechanical and chemical hemostasis in laparoscopic removal<br>of ovarian cysts in patients with infertility is a good alternative to conventional and widely used methods of hemostasis.<br>Conclusions: it is necessary to conduct further studies to assess the effect of various methods of hemostasis on the ovarian<br>reserve and reproductive outcomes in patients with infertility who underwent laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 SHORT-TERM OUTCOME OF LAPAROTOMIC MYOMECTOMY WITH TRANSIENT UTERINE VESSELS OCCLUSION IN INFERTILE PATIENT 2020-07-09T06:10:15+00:00 D.K. Najmutdinova A.B. Saparov <p>To evaluate the effectiveness of myomectomy with intraoperative temporary ligation of uterine vessels in patients<br>with infertility. Material and methods: the study included data from 61 patients suffering from a combination of infertility and<br>uterine fibroids, who required surgical treatment. All patients were operated on at the Department of Gynecology No. 1 of the State<br>Administration of the Republican Specialized Scientific Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2015-2018. The data of 43 retrospective<br>analyzed patients who underwent myomectomy underwent a permanent uterus ligation procedure and 7 patients who underwent<br>uterus ligation during myomectomy were not analyzed at all. The prospective part of the study included data from 11 patients who<br>underwent a temporary ligation of the uterine vessels when performing myomectomy. Results: temporary ligation of uterine vessels<br>during myomectomy has a beneficial effect on short-term surgical outcomes, such as intraoperative blood loss, hemoglobin blood<br>in the blood, periods of recovery of bowel function, the need for analgesics, as well as discharge periods after surgery. The positive<br>effect in patients with temporary ligation of the uterine vessels is manifested to a greater extent than in patients with permanent.<br>Conclusions: for a comprehensive study of the place of temporary ligation of the uterine vessels when performing myomectomy,<br>women with infertility should conduct further research to assess long-term (reproductive and ovarian) outcomes.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 FEATURES OF INTRAOPERATIVE ADMINISTRATION OF ANTIBACTERIAL DRUGS FOR HIP JOINT ARTHROPLASTY IN PATIENTS WITH TUBERCULOSIS COXITIS 2020-07-09T06:16:19+00:00 F.Kh. Rustamov P.Kh. Nazirov <p>to improve the results of hip arthroplasty in patients with tuberculous coxitis by developing measures<br>to prevent suppurative septic complications. Material and methods: in order to develop measures for the prevention<br>of septic complications, treatment outcomes were studied in 60 patients with tuberculosis coxitis, who were<br>performed hip joint arthroplasty operations in the clinic of Republican Scientific Research Center of Phthisiology and<br>Pulmonology in 2014-2018. Results: in all patients who underwent antibacterial therapy according to the proposed<br>method, primary healing of postoperative wound was noted, postoperative complications were not observed. It was<br>also found that, despite the high doses of the antibiotic, its concentration after a threefold administration decreases, to<br>maintain the required level, its additional administration is required up to 6 times.Conclusions: The six-time antibiotic<br>administration scheme developed by the authors maintains the therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood and,<br>therefore, prevents the development of paraprosthetic complications.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 CLINICAL TESTS TO EVALUATE THROMBUS RETRACTION TO FORM A BIOCOATING 2020-07-09T06:19:36+00:00 R.A. Sadykov N.E. Jumaeva O.V. Kim M.M. Yusupov 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 EARLY AND LATE COMPLICATIONS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIC INTRACRANIAL HEMATOMAS 2020-07-09T06:28:49+00:00 Sh.M. Kariev R Hazratkulov <p>assessment of early and late complications after surgical treatment of patients with traumatic intracranial<br>hematomas. Material and methods: 342 patients with traumatic intracranial hematomas were under our control in<br>Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Neurosurgery. Decompressive craniotomy was performed in<br>222 (64.9%) patients, osteoplastic craniotomy in 120 (35.1%) patients. Results: Postoperative complications were observed<br>in 28% of patients with traumatic intracranial hematomas who underwent decompressive craniotomy and 23% after<br>osteoplastic craniotomy. The most frequent were purulent-inflammatory complications resulted penetrating traumatic<br>brain injury factors extensive wounds of the soft covers of the skull, reducing the immunological protective properties of the<br>body, infection Liquorodynamic complications in the form of dysresorptive hydrocephalus (1.4%) and subdural hydroma<br>(4.1%) were more often observed after decompressive craniotomy. Conclusions: A large number of purulent-inflammatory<br>complications were caused by a combination of many factors: the presence of penetrating traumatic brain injury in some<br>patients, extensive wounds of the soft covers of the skull, reduced immunological protective properties of the body in response<br>to injury, the development of systemic inflammatory syndrome, the addition of nosocomial infection</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 SURGICAL TREATMENT OF POSTOPERATIVE INTRAPLEURAL BLEEDING 2020-07-09T09:12:00+00:00 Sh.N. Hudaybergenov O.T. Irisov <p>to improve the tactics of postoperative treatment of intrapleural bleeding. Material and methods:<br>analyzed the results of treatment of 334 patients with postoperative intrapleural complications, operated on at the<br>Central State Clinical Hospital at the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. prof. S.V. Ochapovsky (Krasnodar) in<br>2003-2008 and in the department of surgery of the lungs and mediastinum of the RSCS named. Acad. V. Vakhidov in 1999-<br>2018. The tactics of management of patients with intrapleural complications differed in the range of new technologies<br>implementation. Results: postoperative bleeding was observed in 123 patients, including 72 (58.53%) with intrapleural<br>bleeding, 39 (31.7%) with coagulated hemothorax, and 12 (9.7%) with parietal hematoma. 67 patients were operated<br>on the 1 st day after the development of the complication, satisfactory results were observed in 66 (98.5%) of them, an<br>attempt to conservative hemostasis and repeated intervention on the 2nd day increased the number of unsatisfactory<br>results by almost 4 times , 5 to 5.6%. Conclusion: Minimally invasive interventions have several advantages in eliminating<br>postoperative intrapleural hemorrhages: low invasiveness, reduce the length of stay of patients in the hospital and thereby<br>reduce the material costs. The use of PTS in coagulated hemothoraxes is the method of choice.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 OPTIMIZATION OF MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSIVE STATES IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH THE USE OF INPATIENT MHEALTH REPLACEMENT TECHNOLOGIES 2020-07-09T09:16:22+00:00 R.B. Yusupbaev Sh.S. Muhamedova <p>Development and study of the effectiveness of new hospital replacing mHealth technologies in pregnant<br>women with hypertensive disorders. Material and methods: We studied 40 pregnant women with hypertensive<br>syndrome and aggravated obstetric history of hospitalization patients. The studies were conducted in the clinic of<br>RSSPMCOaG and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Patient’s monitor using “TRITON Electronics<br>MPR 6-03” apparatus, “Angioscan” device application. Results: in the 1st group, 40% of women had a full-term birth,<br>in the 2nd - 70%. In the 1st group, preterm labor was observed in 60% of cases, in the 2nd - in 30%, since 2 times<br>less. Operative delivery in the 1st group had to be resorted to in 90% of patients. Conclusions: analysis of the type of<br>waves received on the device “Angioskan”, showed that the type of wave A is one of the markers of contraindications to<br>mHealth, therefore, further examination of pregnant women in stationary conditions is necessary.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 THE EFFECT OF DITERPENIC ALKALOIDS OF ZONGORIN AND 1-O-BENZOYLNAPEPELLIN ON THE CONTRACTILE ACTIVITY OF THE SMOOTH MUSCLES OF THE RAT AORTA 2020-07-08T10:17:04+00:00 A.T. Esimbetov A.A. Zaripov G.S. Begdullaeva M.N. Sultanhodzhaev P.B. Usmanov Sh.S. Khushmatov 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF HEPATOPROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF KATACIN AND GERANIL ON A MODEL OF ACUTE TOXIC LIVER DAMAGE 2020-07-08T10:24:10+00:00 Z.A. Khushbaktova F.Kh. Inoyatova N.N. Kurbanova A.Kh. Aslanova <p>to evaluate the effectiveness of new domestic drugs (cavergal, geranyl and catacin) in the correction of the<br>main hepatic syndromes: cytolysis, cholestasis, mesenchymal inflammation and hepatocellular insufficiency in a model of<br>toxic liver damage. Material and methods: studies were conducted on 75 male rats with acute toxic liver damage, which was<br>reproduced by administering heliotrin at a dose of 200 mg / kg, 8 rats were included into intact group. Biochemical studies<br>of blood serum were performed on a biochemical analyzer. Results: experimental pharmacotherapy of acute toxic liver<br>damage with new drugs katatsin and geranil significantly reduced rates of cytolysis, cholestasis, mesenchymal inflammation.<br>The preparations increased the protein synthesis function of the liver. According to hepatoprotective properties, catacin and<br>geranil were not inferior to Karsil to the hepatoprotector and significantly outperformed the antihypoxant of the cavergal.<br>Conclusion: the plant flavonoids catacin and geranyl have pronounced hepatoprotective properties.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF HELMINTHOSIS IN CHILDREN WITH ANEMIA 2020-07-09T09:38:28+00:00 O.A. Kuliev T.A. Bobomuratov <p>The article presents data on the prevalence, the main ways of infection of helminthiases in detectives with<br>anemia. To date, the spread of parasitic diseases is one of the topical problems of mankind. According to the WHO<br>(2014), in the world more than two billion people suffer from intestinal parasites. It should be noted that children<br>of school and younger age are the main group at risk of the disease.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE TO DETECT ALLERGIC DISEASES IN CHILDREN 2020-07-09T10:12:41+00:00 Sh.A. Ibragimova M.H. Mirrahimova <p>For the first time developed and implemented a questionnaire consisting of 34questions divided into several blocks, which can<br>be used to evaluate the epidemiology of allergic diseases in children and the risk factors for allergies. The basis of the questionnaire<br>laid allergic diseases and conditions that are included in ICD-10, and allergic diseases are medical and verified. Profile is designed<br>to answer the parents or their legal representatives. A survey of 500 parents of firstgraders in 3 schools of the Tashkent region.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 FEATURES OF DIABETES MELLITUS IN HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS 2020-07-09T10:15:45+00:00 B.X. Shagazatova F.S. Mirkhaydarova D.M. Artikova F.Sh. Axmedova N.A. Kudratov <p>Diabetes mellitus is one of the urgent problems of contemporary medicine, and today it is growing radiply. In diabetes,<br>the risk of such diseases as lung tube, chronic hepatitis B,C and HIV increases. The increase in the number of HIV-infected<br>patients and the prolonged life expectancy increase the frequency of joint management of these two diseases.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 APPROACH TO BUILDING THE PROCESS OF EMPLOYMENT OF STUDENTS AND GRADUATES OF MEDICAL UNIVERSITIES 2020-07-08T08:13:19+00:00 A.F. Marasulov Muratali Bazarbaev <p>The article highlights the main components and problems of building the process of employment of students and<br>graduates of medical universities. Deficiencies have been identified in the mechanism of employment and employment<br>monitoring of graduates of medical universities. Ways to eliminate these issues and shortcomings have been identified<br>based on the creation of “Employment System” a republican systematic online database of graduates of medical<br>universities. The structural-functional scheme of the automated workplaces of interaction instances and units for the<br>implementation of the employment process of students and graduates in the “Employment System” was compiled.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 LONG-TERM LABOR DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR EFFECTS ON WORKERS 'HEALTH AND LABOR PRODUCTIVITY 2020-07-09T10:21:21+00:00 X. Babadjanov 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 PHENOMENON OF NATIONAL IDENTIFICATION 2020-07-09T10:27:21+00:00 L.Yu Maxmudova <p>The answer and thoughts about the set<br>the question can be found in the works and studies of<br>Western scholars, philosophers, political scientists such as<br>B. Anderson, M. Hroh, E. Hobsbaum, E. Smith, E. Gelner,<br>E. Renan, Yu.V. Bromley, C. Calhoun, C. Levy-Strauss,<br>J. Derrida, S. Huntington, M. Weber, E. Erickson, O.<br>Bauer et al.<br>There are concepts of nation and national;<br>different theories and points of view regarding<br>problems of preserving the nation and national<br>due.</p> 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 IN THE FORMATION OF A HEALTHY GENERATION SPIRITUALITY THE ROLE OF LEGAL CULTURE AS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR 2020-07-09T10:30:13+00:00 B.U Ruziev 2020-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020